WinCAM Announces Senior Scholarship Winners


Nearly every year, WinCAM gives out a scholarship award at the Winchester High School Senior Awards Ceremony. I say nearly, because some years we don’t feel as though there are students who have earned the honor. I’m happy to say that 2016 is a different story. Last night at WHS, WinCAM was happy to bestow the award and $500 scholarship to three very deserving seniors.

Scott Czeck and Andrew Termini are both members of the WHS Tech Crew. If you’ve been to WinCAM at all over the past three years, it’s a virtual certainty that you’ve run into one or both of them. Scott and Andrew have both done great volunteer work for WinCAM over the years and both have been so well respected and capable that they’ve been contracted for work on occasion. We say thanks to both of them for not only the work they did, but also the tireless efforts they made in expanding the Tech Crew and bringing more students into WinCAM.

Anna Abbanat is another WinCAM fixture. Anna joined WinCAM as a sophomore and has produced award-winning content ever since. Anna has the talent and energy needed to become successful in any field of study she chooses. We can only hope that she comes back to produce more programming during breaks.

I know I can speak for the rest of the staff when I say that we’re all very proud of all the young people that grace WinCAM with their presence, but these three deserved special recognition. If you see them, be sure to offer congratulations!

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